炁 功:炁是先天之炁(氣)的意思,一炁即是宇宙一切原始的能量,可以生發變化任何物質,故稱為先天之炁,與後天之氣的特定物質性有所不同。將人體自身的能量與大自然的先天能量調和合一,就是修鍊炁功。
醫 病 醫 心:醫病復醫心是一炁功法的主要特式,以心靈掌控身軀,調整心意的力量,是現代心身療法的大方向,也是徹底面對生命方向和人生意義的立足點,只有心身同治,求醫者能自我反省,改變思想心態及人生取捨,指向正面和樂觀,病源才會根除。以廿字哲學【忠恕廉明德正義信忍公博孝仁慈覺節儉真禮和】為治病心丹,只要靈活運用,廿字的意義治療(Logotherapy),便成為救人濟世的妙藥。
Introduction to Holo-Cosmic Qi-gong
Qigong : Qi means innate Qi (engery), holo-Cosmic qi means all original universal energy, it gives birth to any substance and changes, so it is called innate Qi,it is different from specific materiality of acquired Qi. Harmonizing and combining one’s body energy with the innate energy of nature is mastering qigong.
Mastering qigong is to bring the highest level of traditional ancient Chinese healthcare into full play, it coincides with the modern naturopathy and prevention medicine, the recent western study of energy medical science coincides with the chinese theory of health preservation. Pre-universe qigong method stresses on relaxation, not on meditation and personal ability, it is emphasized by natural breathing, its procedures are: union of mind and body, union of heaven and human being and union of virtues between heaven and human being.
Heal the mind and body : 「Heal the mind first before the body」 is the specialty of one qigong method, it mind controls the body and adjusts will strength, which paves way for the modern treatment of mind and body, this is the foothold for thoroughly facing life, direction and human life value, illnesses only can be eradicated by treating the mind and body together and by those who seek medical treatment can with self-reflection change their thinking and direction of human life. The twenty characters philosophy are the spiritual pills for curing illnesses, the treatment cannot do without the forgoing virtues, with flexible application the twenty characters will become the wonderful medication to assist people and to save their lives.
祈禱世界和平祈禱詞 – 蕭昌明大宗師
一炁功法˙廿字彩球動功(共十二式) 潘樹仁
1/ 匯合先天 2/ 彩球貫頂 3/ 蓋地鋪天 4/ 球運五行 5/ 抱元守一 6/ 彩炁滾動
7/ 彩球開花 8/ 白雲翩韆 9/ 大千盪漾 10/ 運轉河車 11/ 歡喜心花 12/ 還原收式
廿字弘開普濟生民身心健 字字妙韻天音笙歌舞翩翩
彩炁遍滿萬國九洲壽而康 球運西東養生怡情和大同
廿字哲學:忠恕廉明德 正義信忍公 博孝仁慈覺 節儉真禮和
【Loyalty, Altruism, Integrity, Straightforwardness, Magnanimity, Uprightness, Righteousness, Trustworthiness, Forbearance, Impartiality, Universal Brotherhood, Filial Piety, Benevolence, Mercifulness, Comprehension, Temperance, Frugality, Genuineness, Propriety, and Harmony】